Brindul Alley
This crescent-shaped alley lies between Sorn Street and River Street. It is the frequent haunt of a dangerous apparition-one more often encountered near the docks in older days, but seen here since a few winters ago: the Hand That Sings.
The Hand has been seen more than once in Brindul Alley or floating in the ways nearby. It is an animated human hand with a mouth in its palm. The strange apparition all too similar to the sign of cursed Moander, the ancient and evil god who never sleeps quite soundly enough.
The Hand is said to snatch valuables it fancies-especially magic-when it encounters them, and to occasionally attack folk in the darkness, strangling them or tripping them into fatal falls. Most often, though, it seems to take no notice of those who do not bother or follow it, merely drifting along, eerily singing old and fragmentary Sword Coast ballads and love songs as it wanders through the night.